20 August 2019 was a much-awaited day for the LCCI students and their teachers. This was the day where the results of the LCCI Level 2 Bookkeeping & Accounting Examinations (June 2019) was received. It was certainly a red-letter day for ElShaddai’s 7 candidates who passed with flying colours. We achieved a 100% passing rate, with 1 distinction, 5 merits and 1 pass. This was very impressive results indeed considering that the students started their LCCI journey only about a year ago on the 21 April 2018, when the first class for the LCCI Level 1 syllabus was held.
These students started with zero knowledge of accounting basics or knowledge that is related to business transactions. This was made possible by our mentors from Ngee Ann Polytechnic Singapore. They provided invaluable support in terms of their physical presence over 2 visits to conduct activities and peer tutoring to the students. In addition, they shared valuable resources in terms of lecture slides and past assessment materials.
With this support came along, after nearly 5 months of weekly tutoring by 5 dedicated local volunteer teachers, 23 students underwent the Level 1 Assessment on 22 September 2018. The 10 students who passed were duly awarded certificates by ElShaddai Centre Berhad in partnership with Pearson, Malaysia. Out of these 10 students, 7 managed to continue their journey to LCCI Level 2.
Although the desire of the students to continue to Level 2 was seen by some as being too ambitious and unrealistic, nevertheless our Education Director, Dr Ng Oi Leng and 3 teachers took the stand that we will not deny them the opportunity to acquire this additional accreditation.
We are deeply encouraged that through the constant prayers and persevering and tireless efforts of both students and teachers have yielded excellent results. All glory to God!
COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund (ERF) Report
Local initiatives making a global impact At the beginning of the Movement Control Order in Malaysia, ElShaddai Centre put out a public plea for an Emergency Relief Fund (ERF) to support the refugees and other