Updates on EXCEL Activities: Learning through IT

From the 5th till the 16th of September 2019, our secondary EXCEL students gained much insights into the world of Programming Microbit (open-source hardware ARM-based embedded system) and presentation skills with Power Point. They were mentored by 25 students and 2 lecturers from School of InfoComm Technology, Ngee Ann Polytechnic Singapore.

The EXCEL students gained skills in programming the microbit with blocks instead of JavaScript. For instance, the students learnt to play the game of rock, paper, scissors, stone with two mircobits using radio networking. Further more, the students had a go to programme and install a mircobit in a Macqueen Robot (metal miniature gear motor).

Besides the serious programming they did, all the students embarked on an outing to the famous Sky Mirror in Sasaran Beach at Kuala Selangor. They were very excited and had much fun together!

This annual volunteering and cultural exchange activity ended with a wonderful group presentation and performance at Wesley Methodist Church Klang.

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