1. In line with our Malaysian Prime Minister’s announcement of a movement restriction order and direction from UNHCR, ElShaddai Centre will be closing all our education centres from 18th March onwards until further notice.

2. ElShaddai Centre will be suspending all gatherings, events, and services from 18th March to 31st March 2020.

3. If you or someone you know have recently attended the Tabligh gathering at Sri Petaling Masjid Jamek from 28th February to 1st March, we urge the person to immediately call National Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CRPC) for a screening.

4. Free screening and treatment are available at designated hospitals for all foreigners who display the Covid-19 symptoms. Symptoms include: fever higher than 38°C for more than 3 days, respiratory symptoms, cough, difficulty breathing.

5. Before going to any clinic or hospital for screening, please first call the National Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC): 03-888 10 200/ 03-888 10 600/ 03-888 10 700

6. Please do not go to UNHCR Malaysia’s office until further notice. The following two hotlines continue to work:
UNHCR Arrest and Detention Hotline: 012 630 5060
UNHCR Health Hotline: 03 2118 4879

7. Please ensure you and your family minimize movement, avoid crowded places and practice personal hygiene as recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

8. For any clarifications and enquiries regarding school closure, please contact the respective headteachers. ElShaddai Centre is being kept up to date with the latest development and direction from UNHCR and the Malaysia government, and will update you of any changes.

In time of uncertainty, let us continue to hold on to hope, faith, and love.

Together with you,
Dr Ng Oi Leng, Education Director
& ElShaddai Centre Team

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