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Pandamaran Community Learning Centre Updates - ElShaddai Centre Berhad

Pandamaran Community Learning Centre Updates

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/ on line 39

PCLC started with 16 students, but today the number has increased to 65 students! The Pandamaran Community Learning Centre (PCLC) was established by ElShaddai under the leadership of Dr. Ng Oi Leng in July 2019 to address the education need of children in the refugee community of that locality.

between five and thirteen, all of them are immigrants living in Malaysia as refugees or asylum seekers.

The school has five staff who work tirelessly every weekday to ensure that every student receives the basic knowledge required for their academic level as most of them have not been to a school ever before. With dedicated efforts from their teachers, the students have improved greatly in the ability of acquiring knowledge, and most of them can now speak basic English.

Nonetheless, PCLC also faces some challenges. As most of the students are from poor family background, sometimes they cannot afford the necessary learning materials. Therefore, the school has to struggle to provide some essentials like stationery, brunch and transportation to and from school. Though PCLC is a new learning centre for refugee children, it has been able to conduct its first Parent Teachers Association (PTA) meeting, making it possible for parents and teachers to discuss relevant issues regarding their children’s learning performance and progress. The school was also opportune to organize a trip to the Botanic Garden in Shah Alam last December where the students had a day of great fun with their schoolmates and teachers.

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