Pregnancy Care

Started by a group of dedicated lady volunteers with medical and obstetrics background, the team has been helping and caring for the pregnant women within the refugee communities in the Klang Valley. The team’s target groups are mainly the Indonesian, Afghan and Rohingya communities due to their large numbers and great needs. The clinics are held once a month in the neighbourhood where they live. The services provided include ante-natal clinics, post-natal care, family planning and child health care. During clinic sessions, the few tests that are normally done include hemoglobin, urine, Random Blood Sugar (RBS), oxygen saturation or pulse oximeter, palpitation and fetal heart rate using a doppler. Every penny counts for these daily-waged earners. This pregnancy service is extended to the communities mainly is to help them save some money in their routine checkups, which could then be saved for their delivery expenses. The local maternity clinics could easily cost them between RM80–150 per visit. The expecting mothers have been requesting us to liaise with some local maternity clinics to smoothen the whole process of pregnancy’s, delivery as well as post natal care. Though the team has been trying to liaise with some local maternity homes to refer our pregnant women for scanning and delivery, we have not made much progress. So we are still actively looking for like-minded partners. Through these community service sessions, bonding has developed with the patients and their spouses. Some of them shared their personal problems with us and it gives us an opportunity to understand their challenges deeper. This leads to more regular visits by our team members to extend further support physically, emotionally and spiritually. Even though there are limits to what we can do, we will continue to try our best to give our support as much as we can.

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