ElShaddai Skill Development Centre – Air Conditioning Training Course

The ElShaddai Skill Development Centre is the latest addition to the ever-expanding Education arm of ElShaddai Centre. The air-con training course took off on 11 January 2021 even in the midst of the Movement Control Order in Malaysia. As the trainers said, “We are ready and let’s do it, regardless….!”

Five teen students from five different nationalities and backgrounds enrolled, though one of them dropped out later. The course included English, Math and ICT to equip the students with basic skills of writing reports, doing calculations and making e-brochures, besides the air-con maintenance theory and practical sessions. Mr SL Wong, a highly qualified trainer, was pleased that God has provided him an opportunity to pass down his knowledge to young people after his retirement. Mr KC Lau is the Sifu who took the students on practical training in installations and repairs.

The students are scheduled to graduate by end of June 2021. They will then undergo a 6-month internship with Life2Life Social Enterprise, where an Air-con Services and Maintenance Business will be launched.

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