My Story as a Diaspora in Malaysia

Living here in Malaysia has been a big part of my life considering I’ve spent at least half of it here. It’s been a good experience up to present, and I hope it stays that way. 

While living here I have grasped enough of the local language, Bahasa Melayu, to have simple conversations and to interact with the people around me. I must admit I find it intriguing that in multi-cultural Malaysia  the people all enjoy each other’s cultures and festivals and coexist happily together.


Throughout my stay here I’ve come across a considerable number of people of different nationalities and not just Malaysians. It’s  indeed a very diverse country. I could say I’ve learnt quite a lot just being here from observing the diversity of life of the various people. Although there are many positive things it’s impossible for anything to be perfect. It’s regrettable that sometimes some people may be unfair solely because of differences, though they could be overlooked.


To conclude, it’s been quite a pleasant stay here.

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