Double Celebrations in ElShaddai Kuantan Learning Centre

Kuantan Learning Centre celebrated Hari Raya with the students on Thursday, 11 May 2022.

It was a very flamboyant event organized by the community teachers. The centre was filled with the students’ laughter and chatter as each of them posed for their pictures to be taken, having dressed in their bright baju Melayu. There was a colouring competition, a song presentation by the pre-primary class and games for everyone.

Later, teacher Katherine happily gave away the prizes for the top 3 winners in the colouring competition. All the students enjoyed the fun games conducted by their teachers as well as the nasi lemak, ketupat and drinks that were served.

It was a big family gathering where the community teachers, students and volunteers gathered for a time of appreciation one for another.

The week ended with another event on Saturday, 14 May 2022 – Bumble Bee came into the community where our learning centre is.

This event was initiated by our volunteer teacher, Grace who teaches moral to our students.

Bumble Bee is a community-based resource centre that brings needed resources and learning through play programmed at the rural communities. All 4 of our community teachers were involved in facilitating this event. 

About 40 children came for this event and they had a great time in Art & Craft, games, toys and books. Several mothers also took part in this event and enjoyed themselves thoroughly.

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