Embrace- World Refugee Day Celebration

Every year on the 20th of June, World Refugee Day is celebrated globally. The Embrace Campaign by ElShaddai Centre this year aims to inspire more individuals to take positive action towards creating a more welcoming and inclusive society. Ultimately, we want to encourage people to be part of the movement by getting involved, whether through volunteering, donating, or advocating for refugee rights and integration for a more inclusive and progressive future.

According to UNHCR’s figures as of the close of May 2024, there were some 189,340 registered refugees and asylum-seekers in Malaysia. For a long while, the notion of refugees often brings to light a negative feeling towards the community. The advocacy of the Embrace Campaign aspires to foster a positive understanding of the plight of these people, particularly through organized events for everyone to experience, understand, and celebrate the rich diversity of the refugees.

By coming together and embracing one another, the campaign seeks to build a peaceful, stronger, and more resilient society in Malaysia. The Campaign not only inspires individuals to take positive action towards creating a more welcoming and inclusive society, but it also encourages people to get involved. This can be done through volunteering, donating, or advocating for refugee rights and integration.

The campaign this year aims to extend beyond June 20 to maximise the impact.

Some Events and Initiatives:

  • School Talk – ElShaddai Centre had our first-ever school talk at Pin Hwa Secondary School, Klang, where we share what we have done, what we are doing now and what we plan to do, with the students during their assembly. It is envisioned that such initiatives can be done by any individuals who are already doing some work with this community.
  • Gotong-Royong – We had community clean-up projects planned over weekends when the locals and refugees came and worked together to contribute to the betterment of the public spaces where they are living together. Through such activities of working together, both locals and refugees can get to know each other better.
  • Sports Day – ElShaddai Centre invited local schools to partake in our Sports Day, creating engagement opportunities for Malaysian and refugee youth. This also serves as a gesture towards solidarity and for the local youth to embrace their refugee peers. There is nothing better than getting to know each other through play, learning to trust each other and learning the importance of teamwork.
  • Community Carnival – In line with the celebration of Merdeka Day, ElShaddai Centre has planned to organize a carnival where refugees and Malaysians can interact with one another in a relaxing and fun atmosphere. Driving the message of unity across, a personal success story of a refugee within a local community will be highlighted during the event.

The Embrace Campaign would not be possible without the support of each and every one of you. Whether you’re a volunteer, a donor, a community partner, or simply someone who believes in this cause, we welcome you to join us in making a difference.

Together, let’s embrace unity, inclusivity, and community support. Together, let’s build a brighter future for all through increasing public awareness via both traditional and digital media. Moving on, the Embrace Campaign will continue to build and utilize effective networks, build organizational capacity to support the goals set up and improve the status quo to achieve even more seemingly unachievable tasks.

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