
In 2024, ElShaddai Sabah operates a total of seven learning centres, providing education based on the Malaysia Sekolah Kebangsaan syllabus, which includes core subjects such as Bahasa Melayu, English, Mathematics, and Science. These centres aim to foster holistic learning through additional activities like English and Chinese language classes, sports, art, and crafts, led by dedicated volunteers.

Learning Centres In Sabah


Education Level

No of Classes

Teachers per Class

No of Students

Kota Kinabalu Learning Centre 1

Up to Year 3


1 teacher/class


Kota Kinabalu Learning Centre 2

Up to Year 2


1 tearcher/class


Kota Kinabalu Learning Centre 3.

Up to Pre-school 2


1 teacher/class


Kota Kinabalu Learning Centre 4

Up to Year 1


Only 1 teacher


Kudat Learning Centre

Up to Year 1


Only 1 teacher


Semporna Learning Centre

Up to Pre-school 2


1 teacher/class


Sandakan Learning Centre

Up to Pre-school 1


1 teacher




Teacher Training and Professional Development

To maintain high educational standards, teacher training sessions are conducted twice a month in the Kota Kinabalu area. Each session comprises two parts: a review of the syllabus for subject alignment and a problem-solving discussion led by a mentor from the education team. These training sessions rotate among learning centres to ensure consistent teacher development. The focus on syllabus familiarization and collaborative discussions helps address challenges in teaching methods and class management, promoting effective solutions.

Community Engagement and Health Initiatives

ElShaddai Sabah extends its support beyond academic learning through home visitations for families in need, fostering stronger relationships and understanding community challenges. Additionally, health education classes and mother’s classes are conducted weekly in three learning centres in the Kota Kinabalu area, spearheaded by Dr. Evelyn. These classes provide essential knowledge on health and wellness, benefiting both students and their families.


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