Life stories

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Life stories

A New Life Through ElShaddai

“My name is Emma. I was 8 years old and my brother Luka was 10 when our family left Iran. Because of my parents’ concern for our future, we came to Malaysia hoping to find an opportunity to go to Australia for a better life. My parents did not want

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Life stories

Movement Control Order: We are Thankful

“We are thankful because everyone is healthy,” said Zikri*(not real name), a Myanmar Rohingya refugee currently living in Malaysia. We first met Zikri* a few years ago when he joined us in ElShaddai Centre. He is a hardworking person and a loving family man. Currently, there are 11 people, which

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Elshaddai Learning Centre (EELC) Interview A Teacher

Charlie is a teacher at Elshaddai E-learning Center. He teaches Mathematics, Science, Peace and Diversity and sometimes, he’s even a PE instructor! He enjoys all the subjects he teaches although it can be challenging to teach so many things. To keep his students engaged, Charlie sometimes shows them fun videos

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Life stories

Refuge Life Stories: Her Suffering Ends

To be a recognized as a refugee takes years. First, one has to apply to an UNHCR office to be an asylum seeker, and then wait for their investigation and a chance for interview. The waiting list is long and therefore it takes a long time. That was what happened

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Christmas Fundraising 2021

Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives.

Help the marginalized and displaced families to rebuild their lives. The effect of the pandemic has been devastating for our whole society, especially to the most vulnerable among us. The families ElShaddai Centre work with are now seeking to rebuild their lives with dignity.