Case management team sharing by Kala and Deby 2024

In 2024, the activities and work done by the case management team have been challenging yet fruitful. It is the outcome of effective teamwork and communication. Through the work, individuals, families and communities are being reached while each of them has its own needs and complexity. For every case, we drew on existing resources to intervene and help, but there are times when we cannot do anything, yet our faith, love and care for the people have brought us to journey with them through difficult times despite no solution can be given to the problem.

 This year we have reinforced the home visit, and we have seen a great impact on the families visited, giving us a great opportunity to share with families and communities and strengthening ties of friendship. Entering the homes of our students and listening to their stories has allowed us to pray for them and has opened opportunities to share more intimately and profoundly. Not only were we extending practical help, but we were also extending our genuine friendship to the people so that they can flourish in all aspects of spiritual, physical, emotional, relational and mental being.

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