Feature Story: ElShaddai Refugee Learning Centre: Graduation & Concert 2019

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The Graduation and Concert of ElShaddai Refugee Learning Centre was held on the 23 November 2019 at Harvest Christian Assembly, Klang.

The air was filled with excited chatter as children and parents tried to outdo one another with raised voices. This was the long-awaited highlight of the year! Amidst the excitement, teachers were trying their best to calm their hyperactive charges. Imagine the near chaos in a place packed with an estimated 800 people from 17 or more different nationalities.

It was wonderful to see the other community learning centres – Sungai Udang, Jalan Pasar, Alternative Learning Programs (ALPs), Johan Setia and Pandamaran, join the main centre (ALPHA and PRIME) for this graduation and concert. Because of the large number of students, the schedule had to be such that the preschool students took first session, then the primary and finally the secondary students (EXCEL).

Looking really splendid in their graduation gowns, 103 students from preschool and 53 from Primary 6 lined the stage to receive their certificates. A new milestone reached. Parents and teachers beamed with pride. The crowd cheered. Phone cameras clicked almost unceasingly.

The prize-giving and concert were special too. The children deserved every round of applause for their magnificent show of talent. All the centres did well. Coupled with the colourful, eye-catching LED backdrop, the audience was mostly held in awe by the children’s performances in song and dance. It was definitely a day to be remembered!

We wish to extend our heartiest gratitude & appriceation:

• To the teachers – Thank you for so selflessly putting in many hours of practic with your kids. • To the parents – Thank you for your support. Now we are happy to release your kids to you for the long schoolbreak. • To Harvest – We cannot thank you enough for the Christian use of this beautiful venue. Assembly • To our GOD – Thank You for blessing us with an awesome day!

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