A Vision for Long-Term Transformation

A Vision for Long-Term Transformation

When ElShaddai Centre was set up some 14 years ago, the vision of the founding leaders had been one which is for the long term, committed to bring about hope and support for the displaced community with continuous improvements as we go along.

As much as a company is not built in a day, and a nation cannot be established in a short period of time, the task of resolving the atrocity of the displaced and marginalised is a long-drawn matter not to be viewed simply. This is especially when it involves many levels of international bureaucracy besides the cumbersome political machinery in each independent country.

ElShaddai Centre strives to tackle the fundamental issues of providing wholistic support, and at the same time, building on the future vis-à-vis education and teaching selective individuals specific skills for them to earn a living. There is also a very active team of professional social workers who work with this community to help them in many of their antagonistic moments. During the height of Covid 19, we have stepped in to provide free vaccines for the community alongside some basic healthcare needs.

We started the education efforts with a class for 20 children in 2008. Presently, we have an enrolment of 1,800 students in 18 education centres located within the Klang Valley and other parts of Malaysia. Out of 50 full-time staff and 60-odd volunteers who are working with ElShaddai Centre, all of them have opted for much lower remunerations or no compensation for the humanitarian work they have given their time and efforts to. It is with this team of like-minded dedicated individuals that has propelled the leaders to seek much more improvements that can still be achieved for the diaspora community.

We believe that real life transformation requires holistic and long-term support and intervention. Finance is one of the most important factors to achieve this, and for projects to be maintained, as well as new ideas to be implemented.

Whilst the Education service flourished, one pressing challenge is a lack of that forces us to turn away many eager students. Where we are operating, all our present classes are full to the brim.  However, we also know that there are yet many such people we have not reached in other states of Malaysia due to lack of funding.

ElShaddai Centre would like to hire more experienced and professionally trained teachers and social workers. This will ensure that the receiving community receives quality, wholesome education and counselling for their personal development.

We would also like to bring about more awareness of the marginalised and displaced people groups to the masses at large by having more advocacy campaign for local Malaysians. Apart from that, we hope to conduct more community programs in various locations in Malaysia to better equip different communities with awareness they lack, such as issues on child marriage, family planning, financial literacy etc. We strongly believe that an understanding of this displaced group of people will foster better acceptance of their existence in our midst and build a stronger Malaysia.

Largely due to lack of resources and that only a few medical professionals are available to attend to the large community of marginalized and displaced people, many of them do not have sufficient access to affordable healthcare. Sadly, some cases became chronic and worst of all, many of them passed on when their illness is not attended to.

As much as the team on the ground are committed to serve, we would like to appeal to all who are touched in the financial aid to partner with us on a long-term basis. Your commitment towards our efforts will not only spur us  on with the present programs, we can even go on to plan on new projects positively.

We are committed to continuing to pursue what God has called us to, and we invite you to partner with us/ we ask you to join us in this journey so that you too can see how your support creates real, lasting changes for the community. 

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:6-8

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