Child Protection Training at Jalan Pasar Learning Center

On October 13, 2022, a child protection training session was held at the Elshaddai Jalan Pasar Learning Center under the direction of Anabella and Sofia, our own social workers. 72 of the 81 students who are enrolled at the centre participated in the training. It was the pupils’ first training session. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed the training because it included fun activities like singing, dancing, and even games. Anabella and Sofia also provided some tips and highlights.

During the training session, students learned about children’s rights. These rights include happiness, health and safety, an education and no dangers at work. Children learn “good touches versus bad touches” and learn about their body parts. They should say “no” to unsafe touching. Students were encouraged by the story of a young girl who decided to tell her mother what was happening to her, which led to saving her from future abuse.

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