We are pleased to share with you our heartfelt, God-given vision guiding ElShaddai Centre’s work: to see “Nations Redeemed Through Holistic Community Transformation”. The last fifteen years of journeying with marginalised, displaced communities on the ground have not always been easy. But time and again, our experiences are like those of a mother holding her newborn in her arms for the first time, where joy and awe spill over and the pain is quickly forgotten as we see another life touched, healed, empowered and transformed. And we are grateful that many of you are with us on this momentous journey.
Bryant L. Myers, Senior Professor of Transformational Development, explicitly defined poverty: “Poverty is the absence of shalom in all its meaning.” And shalom means peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquillity. Shalom is the way things ought to be. Poverty, then, has not only to do with a lack of resources but is caused primarily by broken relationships with God, oneself, others, and creation. It results from relationships that are oppressive, unjust, not conducive to life, not harmonious and pleasant. Effective treatment can only come with an accurate diagnosis. Thus, assistance to poor and marginalised diaspora communities must focus on reconciliation in relationships and community development, not on short-term relief.
Nations Redeemed
Malaysia is uniquely blessed as host to many displaced people, representing nations (or ethnic groups) from around the world. Redemption means to restore their dignity, purpose, and hope; uplifting communities burdened by poverty, violence, and displacement. Working in partnership with UNHCR, embassies, church leaders, global networks and other humanitarian organisations, we seek to build holistic care systems to protect and rehabilitate communities focusing on education, skill development, livelihood programs, economic enterprises and other social integration initiatives. We work tirelessly to create an environment where individuals and communities can thrive, breaking the cycles of vulnerability and poverty.
To some communities who will eventually return to their home countries, like the Indonesians, we work closely with their embassies to prepare them for their future, especially those children born and raised here. The education, skills and support they receive will never be wasted. It will become a powerful tool for personal and community transformation in time, wherever they may be.
Holistic Community Transformation
We also firmly believe that true change comes from within communities. ElShaddai Centre acts as a catalyst, empowering communities to be the architects of their own transformation. By fostering collaboration, providing resources, and facilitating participatory development, we create opportunities to reconcile relationships. As we bring people together, forging cohesiveness in fragmented communities filled initially with mistrust, bitterness and envy, we see changes from mutual suspicion to mutual acceptance and, eventually, comradeship. Our end goal is to see healing and reconciliation of relationships in all four dimensions: with God, oneself, others, and creation. Together, we ignite lasting impact as communities become the driving force for change, revitalising societies from within.
It is our privilege to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you—our donors, volunteers, staff, partners, and supporters—for being an integral part of this transformative journey. With your continued support, we can redeem nations, empower individuals, and create a world where hope flourishes, one community at a time.
Thank you for being a vital force behind our vision.