ElShaddai Sabah – A Year of Milestones!

Interview with Lee Ting Hwong

According to the 2020 Malaysian census, the population of Sabah stands at 3,418,785, making Sabah the third most populous state in Malaysia. In addition, Sabah has the highest stateless population estimated at 810,443 or more, and at least 50,000 are children under 18 years old. Without proper documentation, the stateless endure innumerable challenges in their everyday life.

ElShaddai Sabah was launched in 2020 during the pandemic in an attempt to support the most marginalized and vulnerable stateless people. It began with food relief, and subsequently, developmental and empowering works like Education and Social Work became the core services. We are presently operating 6 learning centres in different locations educating about 320 students. There are 14 community teachers trained on the job to teach and the youngest teacher is 16 years old.

Learning Centre Nutritious Lunch Program

The learning centre in Kuala Alam Mesra (KAM) is located in a mangrove swamp, a place less likely to be harassed compared to squatting on land owned privately. KAM Learning Centre has 100 students and 3 teachers. The Nutritious Lunch Program started in partnership with an NGO from Taiwan named Calls Over Ridges. After drawing up the menu and training some community mothers to cook, the idea was put on trial for the first two months and did well.

After the trial, a MOU was prepared, and an evaluation was done on the health condition of the students who had consumed the lunch. Although the provision was only one meal and a small difference was expected, positive improvements were observed. The meals were reported to be tasty, but most importantly, the children get to eat a balanced meal a day. We had witnessed often that their lunch was as meager as rice with Maggi seasoning only.

The families involved in the program are very thankful and pleased with this privilege. The partnership with Calls Over Ridges continues for another year. We would definitely like to work towards the goal of improving nutrition for children in such impoverished communities.


ElShaddai Sabah working in partnership with Happy Paradise, Mercy Malaysia, and other individuals, arranged for dental and medical outreach to the stateless community. About 880 patients were treated in two days. Another medical team that visited was from Singapore Bukit Panjang Gospel Church. ElShaddai Sabah in partnership with Caris Foundation is looking forward to better serve the community through basic health education, which can be conducted in learning centres as well as through small groups with mothers.

In 2023, the Sabah teammates working in partnership with Rotary Club of Likas Bay, arranged for cleft lips and palate surgery for 2 children and one lady. The impact of these surgeries was great. Not only the patients and their families were helped, but good relationships and trust were built with the communities.

KAM Community Centre

In partnership with another Taiwan NGO Happy Paradise, a wooden building over the mangrove swamp was ‘purchased’ and set up as community centre. The community centre serves many purposes. Medical out-reach can be done in the premises with health education, health screening and out-patient treatment provided whenever medical volunteers are available.

A small library has been set up in the building and students and community children can come in and read. Educational activities can be carried out too. We are looking forward to provide skill training and other leadership training programs in the place in time.

Heartfelt Benefits

There is a grandma who is burdened with caring for 4 grandchildren and is given meals from the learning centre. These meals helped tremendously she has very limited resources to raise 4 grandchildren.

In the learning centres, the opportunity to improve their proficiency in English has helped many community teachers gain confidence even when talking to foreigners. These teachers welcomed the chances of experienced trainers visiting them to impart teaching skills and ways to improve the English language continuously.

As a leader in Sabah leading a small team of passionate teammates facing an enormous task of meeting the most basic humanitarian needs of a humongous community, Bro Lee wears many hats. His roles included mobilizing and networking to bring awareness and deploy resources; gelling the team together and advancing the goals; sending the team to explore new villages; helping the community with all kinds of issues like detention, food, and sickness; as well as some administrative jobs. Partnership is the key to the success of the work of ElShaddai Sabah.

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