LIVELIHOOD- Financial Intervention

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the effects have been devastating throughout the whole nation.

We believe the refugee community is still facing challenges and struggles to restore to their normal life as much as before the pandemic. Therefore, in 2023, we initiated the Post-Covid Restoration Fund (PRF) to seek to restore and rebuild the community’s lives with dignity through financial assistance.

This fund aims to support individuals and families with emergencies caused by unforeseeable circumstances, especially due to post-Covid impact, immediate healthcare or medical issues, safety risks, sudden loss of income at home, and other expected situations. In 2023, we supported 39 families, with 73 adults and 100 children benefiting.

Besides this immediate financial relief, we also provide an interest-free loan program to cater to some emergencies needing a more significant sum of financial assistance, including high medical costs, hospital delivery expenses, rental deposits due to emergency eviction, natural disasters such as floods, and others. The refugee community experiences much more difficulties and is more likely to be exposed to exploitation due to their limited rights living in Malaysia.

We understand the reality of Malaysian society, and we need to respond to any unexpected emergencies with empathy and respect, yet not to create dependency on the community.

Community visit after the new birth who benefited from the loan program

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