Updates on EXCEL Learning Centre Activities: Cambridge Global Perspective Exhibition

Cambridge Global Perspective is a new subject introduced into the curriculum of our Secondary EXCEL Learning Centre, for students in levels 8, 9 and 10 started this year (2019). This course is very useful as it aims to help students to develop the skills needed for further education and future workplace, by making informed decisions from the information they received as well as analyse and reflect on issues from different perspectives as critical thinkers.

As part of the learning, students had the opportunity to work in groups to enquire into and reflect on a key global issue. The students chose issues from either ‘Biodiversity and ecosystem Loss’ and ‘Sports and Recreation’ for their group projects this year.

To show case the students’ projects, on 4 October 2019 a project exhibition was held for the groups to present their rationale and outcome of their chosen issue. Many groups demonstrated their creativity and created models to explain the concepts and raising public awareness of global issues and its consequences.

Students and teachers in charged, Teacher Moses (first at left) and Teacher Wendy (first at right), posting with their 3D models

The winning group addressed issues on “Human impact on animal extinction” (as seen in the photograph), which is related to the destruction of our ecosystem through our human activities and how it affects climatic change. They demonstrated depth in analysis, creativity, good team work, and were able to articulate clearly the necessary actions that members of public should take.

Group photo after the exhibition

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