The International Baccalaureat Diploma Programme (IBDP), a pre-university course, requires students to carry-out a social service project. This initiative not only sets a good example, but also pushes our youth to look beyond, make an altruistic effort and offer their help.
And this is the case of Kewynn. She came to about know us through her previous school that organised a day for students to spend with the children from the ElShaddai Refugee Learning Centre. The memory of this day stayed on and she kept in touch with a couple of people working at the ElShaddai Centre, and this led her to help raise funds for our NGO.
She revealed that the reason behind all this is that she feels “there are millions of refugees in Malaysia and our government does not recognise their refugee status. In addition to that, many have lost their jobs when Covid-19 hit Malaysia”. She continued by mentioning that “refugees have it rough so I want to help in some ways”.
Therefore, after reading on the ElShaddai website that ElShaddai Centre was setting up an emergency fund for refugee families affected by the Covid-19, she decided to initiate a donation drive to contribute to our emergency relief fund. She donated her time and energy to raise funds to support families with daily essentials and staple food much needed for their well-being.
Giving is a matter of the heart, and it does not need to be limited to funding. Kewynn offered us her love and caring efforts, and she would like to meet the refugees one day “to spend time talking with you so that I can better understand what you are going through and how I can be of help”.