Sponsor a student, Change a future

There are some 45,650 children below the age of 18 who came to Malaysia due to displacement by conflict and natural disasters, and many of them are not able to attend school. You can change that today for as little as RM300 a month by sponsoring a marginalised diaspora child’s education and welfare.

According to a study, the total cost of raising a child in Malaysia lies between RM 400,000 – RM 1.1 million. The cost of supporting a marginalised diaspora child’s holistic development is not as easy to calculate though, as it includes the following basics on top of other support for the community and family:

  • Salaries for teachers and staff at the school
  • School materials (books, teaching aids, and stationaries)
  • A good meal for each schooling day with balanced nutrition
  • Safe transport to and from school
  • School admin expenses (rental, maintenance and utilities)

ElShaddai Centre believes that every child has the right to an education. We provide education and holistic care to refugee, stateless, and other marginalised children who would otherwise not have access to either. We currently have many students on our waiting list due to limited resources. While the cost of education will only continue to increase, we refuse to let that stop these children from getting the education they deserve.

Donate to our Student Sponsorship program today and help us give a child the education she/he deserves. With your help, we can provide holistic care for our students and give marginalised diaspora children the right to education.

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