After school program 2024 Report

After years of working with children from underserved communities, we’ve observed that many have experienced significant trauma growing up. This trauma impacts not only their academic performance but also their sense of self and overall well-being. To address this, we introduced a support group program designed to help students develop their self-identity, self-worth, resilience, and hope. Through social-emotional learning sessions, students are provided with a safe space to learn, share, have fun, and support one another. This nurturing environment encourages personal growth and fosters a sense of community among participants.

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Christmas Fundraising 2021

Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives.

Help the marginalized and displaced families to rebuild their lives. The effect of the pandemic has been devastating for our whole society, especially to the most vulnerable among us. The families ElShaddai Centre work with are now seeking to rebuild their lives with dignity.