July 25, 2022

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Community Work

A time of Celebration and Connection

I thank God for giving me the opportunity to visit some families during Hari Raya Puasa. Visitation to homes is something very new to me. Originally, the plan was just to accompany my friend to visit her student’s home and to observe how she engages with this family. However, God

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Double Celebrations in ElShaddai Kuantan Learning Centre

Kuantan Learning Centre celebrated Hari Raya with the students on Thursday, 11 May 2022. It was a very flamboyant event organized by the community teachers. The centre was filled with the students’ laughter and chatter as each of them posed for their pictures to be taken, having dressed in their

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Christmas Fundraising 2021

Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives.

Help the marginalized and displaced families to rebuild their lives. The effect of the pandemic has been devastating for our whole society, especially to the most vulnerable among us. The families ElShaddai Centre work with are now seeking to rebuild their lives with dignity.